This time I would like to introduce you to a very special restaurant that many of you probably don't even know yet - which is also due to the city's failure. Because "Papa Rudi's" was hidden behind huge privacy walls until November 2024 after the city archives collapsed. Much to the detriment of the unique landlady Anja.

Why "Papa Rudi's" is different
Anja has been running "Papa Rudi's" for almost 17 years, before that she had been known to guests for 15 years in the legendary drag bar Timp, which shaped the cityscape on Heumarkt for almost 30 years. Anja is, as you would say, a really cool character. Anja, who leaves a lasting impression with her tattoos and piercings alone, can be described as a real original. With her experience in the restaurant scene and her special charisma, she has long made a name for herself. In "Papa Rudi's" she not only brings her own, incomparable touch, but also creates an atmosphere that is warm, shrill and unforgettable at the same time. Her time in the drag bar Timp has shaped her and you can see it - she knows how to connect people and create a good atmosphere. Her tattoos and piercings are not just an expression of her personality, but a statement of authenticity and straightforwardness.

"Papa Rudi's" is a pub that has its own charm. It is not a place that wants to impress with elaborate decoration or chic furnishings - and that is exactly what makes "Papa Rudi's" so special. Instead of perfection, you will find an authentic atmosphere here that is primarily about interpersonal relationships. The furnishings are simple, but it is precisely this calmness that gives "Papa Rudi's" a unique down-to-earth feel. It is a place where conversations are the focus and where the personalities of the guests and hosts fill the room. It is not so much the exterior that counts, but rather the atmosphere, which is so unmistakably lively here.

Witness to the collapse
But Anja has been struggling since the collapse of the city archives. She still remembers the day well: " On Tuesday, March 3, 2009, I was standing on my terrace at around 1:45 p.m. waiting for a friend. Suddenly it became deadly quiet and I saw a crack creeping up the wall in the building next door... then everything happened relatively quickly and the neighboring buildings collapsed... then I just ran." Just six months after the takeover, everything in front of her door was literally in ruins. The collapse cost two people their lives - and Anja almost lost her livelihood.
We'd rather not even talk about the failure of the justice system in these cases. Acquittals and convictions were overturned, and the proceedings have since been discontinued. An unspeakable mockery of the victims and their families, that much is certain. But Anja is still fighting. Because until shortly before November 11, 2024, the privacy screens threatened her existence. There were no walk-in customers, and those who didn't know Anja generally didn't go to "Papa Rudi's." Logically, no one could see her.

Anja, the fighter
The KVB contacted Anja at some point and offered her compensation "as a gesture of goodwill". A total of 9145 euros for the years 2009-2021. Including a confidentiality agreement. What Anja thinks of this is probably clear. The Kölner Rundschau published an article about the incident at the time, you can read it here . Fortunately, Anja is a fighter. She continues undeterred. Because "Papa Rudis" is her life's dream. Anja does not have to get rich, and she can in no way be accused of greed. The people of Cologne always like to take the easy way out, but when it comes to our principles, we fight to the end. This is exactly what is perfectly demonstrated by the example of Anja and the "Papa Rudis".

A place for real encounters
We can only recommend that you visit Anja. On the one hand, of course, to get to know Anja and support her, but on the other hand, of course, to take another look at the collapse site and thus gain an insight into the current situation. After years of nothing happening, work is finally moving forward here - but of course, a quick end to construction is not to be expected in Cologne. 2035 is the provisional target.
And if you're looking for other things to do in Cologne, come along on one of our brewery tours! We're looking forward to welcoming you as our guests!
